Medicaid Readiness
Under our ‘Meet The Moment Initiative’, The Detroit MOTTEP Foundation is excited to partner with the National Kidney Foundation of Michigan in supporting state efforts to increase individuals’ knowledge of Medicaid services and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Through these efforts, we are helping enrollees live longer, healthier lives.
With the 3-year pandemic and the health emergency declaration ending in May 2023, now the redetermination starts – people don’t know this is happening – NKFM and Detroit MOTTEP Foundation’s goal with this initiative is to spread the word to keep your coverage and what to do if you don’t qualify now and what options are out there for you.
Through this partnership we are in the unique position to bring relevant and important health information to communities who might not otherwise have access to it.
Medicaid Redetermination HAS ENDED
During the pandemic, people on Medicaid were not required to renew their coverage due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. This was referred to as the ‘continuous enrollment condition’. The continuous enrollment condition ended May 2023, and now states are able to terminate Medicaid and CHIP enrollment for individuals no longer eligible. States will have up to 12 months to return to normal eligibility and enrollment operations. The expiration of the continuous enrollment condition now presents the single largest health coverage transition event since the first open enrollment period of the Health Insurance Marketplace. We are here to MEET THE MOMENT!

Know The Facts
•Due dates are printed on an individual’s packet (usually within 30 days)
•Renewal packets available in multiple languages
•Blank printable forms are NOT available online
•Renewals cannot be completed over the phone
•If renewal packet is not submitted, insurance coverage ends on the last day of the eligibility month

Take Action
•Make sure contact information is up to date
•Ways to report changes:
Online: www.michigan.gov/MIBridges
Phone: Call your local MDHHS office
•Check mail or text messages for a letter from MDHHS
•Complete the application form (if you get one)

What to do if you are no longer eligible for Medicaid?
•Still apply because others in your household may be eligible, such as children receiving MI Child
•Apply for insurance through the marketplace:
Marketplace Call Center at 1-800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325)
•LocalHelp.HealthCare.gov is a free service that can help you understand your health care options
•May get help with costs
•Can reapply at later date, but coverage is not retroactive
Would you like to have us come share information with your organization or community event about medicaid redetermination? Contact us and we will reach out and see if we have your date available on our calendar.